We're going to be looking at a bunch of Reiner films over the next week as part of the Large Association of Movie Blogs' "Directors Chair" series for next month. The main reason is: I haven't done a lot of comments on his films—Stand By Me is it. There are a couple in the can and a couple I should write up...because the films are important parts of his output.
And part of the movie zeitgeist.
The story is every creator's worst nightmare: meeting critics and obsessed fans. As adapted by William Goldman, Writer Paul Sheldon (James Caan) goes to his mountain writing-retreat to put the finishing touches on his latest novel—a departure from the successful historical potboilers he has been churning out.
Trouble starts when a traffic accident leaves him injured and in the care of nurse Annie Wilkes (Kathy Bates, who won a Best Actress Oscar for this), who declares herself his "number one fan." The care she gives him is fine—of course, he's helpless, bed-ridden, incapacitated with two broken legs, and there is the usual paranoia that comes from being in the care of a stranger. But his condition goes from "stable" to "critical" when Annie reads his manuscript, and doesn't like it as it's not the same thing he's been writing. But, he's down-graded from "critical" when she gets ahold of the latest book in Sheldon's "Misery" series and discovers her favorite character is killed in it. At this point, Annie down-grades from "stable" to "street-rat crazy."
She restrains Sheldon to his recovery bed, burns his manuscript, then breaks his ankles—"hobbling" him—to keep him captive to write the next "Misery" novel bringing the character back to miraculous life.
Meanwhile, Sheldon's publisher (played by Lauren Bacall) reports him missing—he's missed his manuscript delivery date—and a search begins for Sheldon in the local area, spear-headed by Sheriff Buster (the late great Richard Farnsworth, aided by his dispatcher, Frances Sternhagen), circling around the area around the vicinity of Annie, who may have been responsible for some mysterious hospital deaths in the past.
King was writing in his basic fear wheelhouse with this one. A cult-figure for his contemporary horror novels, his fan-base must have been a little weird, inspiring nightmares of what they might do to him if they ever got ahold of him. Metaphorically, he was also writing about his own feelings of helplessness dealing with drug addiction—Annie keeps Paul addicted to painkillers throughout his stay, withholding them from him when he becomes "bad," in her estimation.
This might fall into the thriller category, but I find it a horror film, just as much as Psycho is a horror film.
And the most interesting aspect, for me, is the aspect of the creator's view of the "fans"—not all of them, just the most dedicated, the ones who see every work as a love-letter to themselves. And an idea stuck in my head wondering if George Lucas ever had nightmares about fans dressed as storm-troopers, each one carrying a sledge-hammer, and their own ideas of what a "Star Wars" movie should look like. I wonder if he's ever seen this movie.
One of my favorite King books, and the movie stayed pretty true to the book.