Just so.
With that in mind, I wanted to do a "Star Trek" scene. There could be only a couple of the movies I'd want to pick from: II (The Wrath of Khan) and IV (The Voyage Home),* both with scripts partially written by Nicholas Meyer, who, before directing and scripting II, had never watched "Star Trek," was mildly contemptuous of it, and still managed to breathe new life into it.** His scripts are witty, mildly respectful but not afraid to shake things up and give the cliches a fresh perspective.
But, the death of Ricardo Montalbán tore it. It had to be this deliriously put together confrontation-that's-not-a-confrontation between "old friends" Captain Kirk and Khan Noonian Singh. Both performers are gleefully chewing their respective sceneries in this: Montalbán, teeth-bared like an irritated badger, hissing across the light-minutes; and William Shatner, in full vein-popping, eye-bulging fury, taunting his nemesis even though he's trapped in the middle of an asteroid. Shatner's...ex-cesses as an...actor are...very well...documented. But, here he boldly goes where he's never gone before (And Meyer hilariously compounds it by taking his overblown screams and echoing them far off into space. In space no one can hear you scream, unless...of course, you're William...Shatner).
"It's extraordinary how potent cheap music is."
But give everybody credit. This scene is so ludicrously over-the-top, it works!*** Shatner's histrionics energizes the movie at a fairly dull spot in the proceedings, and keeps the thing afloat, amping up the competition between Kirk and Khan**** to a boiling point that hooks the audience to anticipate how it'll all come out. A few minutes later, Shatner will do some of the best acting in his career (the quiet "worn-out" scene with Bibi Besch), but here he and Montalbán give the movie so much juice, they make the movie...and "Star Trek"...fun again.
That was the problem with Star Trek: The Motion Picture: Gene Roddenberry was so mired in his self-promoted "Trek-philosophy" and Paramount Studios so respectful of the property that had seemingly infinite "legs," that they treated it like it was Holy Text, rather than a swashbuckling space knock-off of "Horatio Hornblower." In Khan, they toss out the Meaning Of It All, and let the photon-torpedoes fly. I hate to admit it as much as I love the genre, there has to be a certain amount of pulp and cheesiness to science fiction to keep it from becoming just equations...and the occasional extended ship landing.
(And I have the added advantage here of including more than just the dialog—I had access to the full script by Meyer and others—and it's entertaining to see his scripted directions with the screen-captures)
Shatner can be a blow-hard (it's like he took the Horatio Hornblower metaphor a little too literally). He has made a resurgent career out of being "Mr. Dynamic Reading" for quite awhile now—but you gotta hand it to him: he has a special genius for longevity, whether using his self-mocking image, his rather contemptuous siphoning of "Trek" profits with his "own" line of books, or his bizarre, though measured, Emmy-winning turns as "Denny Crane" on the late lawyers-on-crack series "Boston Legal."
And, also, it should be noted that when J.J. Abrams and band did their own version of Star Trek II—Into Darkness—they couldn't help themselves bringing back Carol Marcus (in the form of Alice Eve) and evoking...this very...scene, but giving the line to Zachary Quinto's Mr. Spock. It was only effective in reflection.
The Story: It is a dark time for the Galaxy. The exiled leader of a race of super-humans, Khan Noonian Singh (Ricardo Montalbán), has escaped his prison-planet and hi-jacked the Federation science ship, the U.S.S. Reliant. With it, he's lured his arch-enemy, Admiral James T(iberius) Kirk (William Shatner)and his ship, the U.S.S. Enterprise into a death struggle, which has nearly crippled both ships. Now, the Enterprise limps to a research station orbiting a dead asteroid, trying to ascertain what has happened to the Reliant's crew and the researchers (including–natch!–an old flame of Kirk's) who've abandoned the station.
Phasers on Stun! Annnd....Action!

She indicates something O.S. They cross as CAMERA REVEALS a cave wall stacked with technical materials and crowned by a LARGE PROJECTILE, a giant version of the model we saw earlier. They stare, (N.B. FEATURE GENESIS ARMING CONTROL BOX.)

DAVID I'm Doctor Marcus!


TERRELL (continuing) Please don't move -

CHEKOV I'm sorry, Admiral.

TERRELL Your Excellency, have you been listening?

CAMERA PANS along Khan's arm to wrist radio and up to his face.

KHAN'S VOICE You have done well.
DAVID I knew it! - You son-of-a...
David makes a reckless bread for Terrell, Saavik instantly throws herself on him bringing him down as Terrell fires,...

KHAN'S VOICE Captain? We are waiting.

KHAN What's the delay?

TERRELL All is well, sir. You - you have the coordinates to beam up Genesis...

KHAN First thing's first, Captain. Kill Admiral...


TERRELL'S VOICE Sir, that is difficult. I try to obey, but...


KHAN'S VOICE (still emanates from wrist recorder) Kill him, Terrell. Now.

They rush to his side, as do Carol and David
132 ANGLE - FAVORING CHEKOV 132 From the fallen man's ear, something begins to emerge.

KIRK'S VOICE You're going to have to do your own dirty work now! Do you hear me?! Do you?!

KIRK Still 'old friend.' You've managed to kill just about everyone else.

KIRK'S VOICE But like a poor marksman, you keep missing the target.

He punches several buttons.

KIRK (desperate) Khan, Khan, you've got Genesis...

KIRK'S VOICE ... but you don't have me! You were going to kill me, Khan! You're going to have to come down here! You're going to have to come down here!

KHAN'S VOICE ... as you left her. Marooned for all eternity in the center of a dead planet -

KHAN Buried alive!

KHAN'S VOICE Buried alive!


Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Words by Jack B. Sowards, Harve Bennett and Nicholas Meyer
Pictures by Gayne Rescher and Nicholas Meyer
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is available on DVD from Paramount Home Video.
* There were a couple scenes from IV I'd like to have done: Kirk's pizza dinner with Gillian–"No, I'm from Iowa. I only work in outer space" (not enough meat to that scene) and the oddball by-play of Kirk and Spock in the truck–the rhythm of which would be lost on the printed or pixelated page (Nevertheless, I did do that last one and I'll present it when the time is right).
** Meyer is still working in Hollywood, as one of the better script-doctors, having recently written two Philip Roth adaptations The Human Stain and Elegy, as well as the "Houdini" mini-series.
*** I'll always remember going to the press premiere (at the late, lamented John Danz Theater) and as the credits rolled, looking up at the loges and seeing the then-movie critic of the Seattle Times, John Hartl, staring incredulously at the screen, not fathoming how the audience could have enjoyed this flick. He panned it.
**** And, again, I have to point out just what a difficult task it was to keep the rivalry believable, as Shatner and Montalbán were never on the same stage at the same time. The two actors took different tacks, but kept the competition alive between the characters each on their own.