Dizzying for the points it makes in so short a time, and also for all the "whip-pans" flashing us forward to the next precipitous drop in the two's affections. It's a simple set-up: we fade from Jed's ironic words, and like a stage production the lights dim on him and come up on the couple, where Kane, in the throes of wedded bliss, deigns to act as servant, bringing his new bride Emily Norton Kane breakfast. The camera dollies in on their loving conversation—only when Emily first mentions Charles' ungodly work schedule are they separated into their own film frames, where they will remain while their marriage declines. and their personalities change--his into fatuous megalomania, hers into brittle contempt. Only at the end, in antagonistic silence, do they share the same frame once again, as we dolly out and their lights go down, as Leland's come up. Curtains closed.
The acting is superb with both participants, Welles' body language speaking louder as his words become fewer and fewer. And in a subtle accompaniment, Bernard Herrmann's subtle waltz at the beginning of the montage, becomes increasingly shrill and sniping as the scenes continues, settling into an icy breath of high strings that brings an added frost to the final sequence–the same arrangement he would use for the chilling horror of Psycho twenty years later.
It's amazing work, from the use of sound—Kane's clinking coffee cup is as final a period as any movie-sentence has received—to the subtle way the conversation bridges from one to the other during the 'whip-pans." It's very smart. And very unfeeling and not sympathetic. And it's probably demonstrative of why so many people don't like Citizen Kane. It's a brilliant show-piece, but aloof. Vaguely superior and judgmental, but without the warmth of empathy.
Not unlike the subject of the film.
Citizen Kane is, above all, a love story...as the narrator of this scene tells us, it's how Kane lost it.
The Set-Up: Young Mr. Thompson (William Alland) is searching for the origin of the last word of Charles Foster Kane—"Rosebud." He is interviewing acquaintances of the late Mr. Kane, looking for clues. Now, he talks to Jedidiah Leland (Joseph Cotten), an old college buddy of Charlie's, who worked as a theater critic for Kane, and had a famous falling-out with him. Jed remembers Kane's first wife, Emily Norton (soap opera doyen Ruth Warrick), and we are given a ring-side seat to that marriage. Get ready to duck.

Jed Leland: "Rosebud?" Oh! Oh, his "dying words." "Rosebud." Yeah, I saw that in the Inquirer.

Thompson: What was she like?

Emily: Oh, I can't be...
Charles: Yes, you are you're very, very beautiful.
Emily: I've never been to six parties in my life!
Charles: Extremely beautiful...
Emily: I've never been up this late!
Charles: It's a matter of habit.
Emily: What will the servants think?
Charles: They'll think we enjoyed ourselves...
Emily: Dearest..
Charles: Didn't we?
Emily: I don't see why you have to go straightaway to the newspaper...

Emily: Oh, Charles...

Citizen Kane
Words by Herman J. Mankiewicz and Orson Welles
Pictures by Gregg Toland and Orson Welles
Citizen Kane is available on DVD and Blu-Ray on Warner Home Video.
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