It has reassured me that the government will transition in a peaceful manner—as was the original intent of "the Fathers"—and, actually, the government is behaving graciously, which is refreshing after this particularly ugly political season, while the populace, on the other hand, is going a bit crazy. I understand people's frustrations and, also, wanting to gloat, but the reactions have been rotten—even by usual social media standards (which is something of an oxymoron, actually). Those reactions on both sides reminded me a bit of Corky St. Clair's hysterical and oddly-worded outburst in this scene. I've used these words often when I want to defuse a highly emotional situation, and it works...if the participants have seen the movie. If they haven't...well, things escalate. But, I still do it because i live in hope. Deluded hope, maybe, but I'd rather be half-full of myself than feeling half-empty.
And, again, this one goes to Jana, who poked, prodded and coerced me into seeing this, to my everlasting appreciation.

Supposedly, a rough outline for the story was agreed upon. Music and lyrics written for the climactic show (by "Spinal Tap" members Christopher Guest, Michael McKean, and Harry Shearer) and then, some of the most notorious ad-libbers and improvisational actors were hired (a "Murderer's Row" of, among others, Larry Miller, Don Lake, Fred Willard, Catherine O'Hara, David Cross, Parker Posey, Bob Balaban, and Michael Hitchcock) they say...hilarity ensues.
This stuff is always dangerous, a high-wire act, often times merely achieving that most damning-with-faint-praise opinion of "clever." Not even director Guest (the Fifth Baron Haden-Guest) fires on all cylinders all the time, but Waiting for Guffman manages to hit the "funny" consistently, while also being affectionate about small-town foibles and eccentrics, and down-right sentimental in spots during the actual "show-within-the-show." For all the turmoil, for all the ineptitude and ego, the plywood set-pieces and papier-mâché heads, the actual presentation of "Red, White and Blaine" is something of a modest triumph over artistic (if the term can be used) hindrances. It may even inspire one to "put on a show." Couldn't be any worse than this. But, look how effective this one is, not just to the "expected-to-appreciate" movie audience, but outward into the audience once and twice-removed in the theaters and homes.
This scene is a favorite in the household, and has inspired the fall-back line of frustration when dealing with all forms of authority, real or imagined: "They're just BASTARD-people! I hate their ass-faces!!" In lieu of going home and actually biting the pillow, it actually helps, leavening the frustration in the reflected glow of the warm, funny "Waiting for Guffman."
The Story: The town of Blaine is celebrating their 150th Anniversary, and the City Council has asked the local theater's artistic director, Corky St. Claire (Christopher Guest) to oversee a musical theater presentation on Blaine's history to be called "Red, White, and Blaine." In an attempt to get back to his theatrical roots on New York, Corky has invited Big Apple theater reps to come see the show, and when one Mort Guffmann writes back expressing interest, Corky decides to go for broke and make a Broadway-ready show. It's time to up the budget.

Councilmen: Wow. We want you to have more.

Corky: Okay.

Councilman: He is!
Corky: Let me explain...let me explain what...

Corky: Alright, let me just explain what that entails...

Steve Stark: It's no joke...

Glenn: He's not kidding...

Steve: No, no, I mean the pool...we have to keep up the pool...that's everything, the entire year, fifteen thousand...
Gwen Fabin-Blunt: We have a manager...

Waiting for Guffman
Words by Christopher Guest and Eugene Levy (and Cast)
Pictures by Roberto Schaefer and Christopher Guest
Waiting for Guffman is available on DVD from Warner Home Video.
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