Sunday, January 1, 2023

What Are YOU Lookin' At?: (New Year 2023)

Hello, gentle readers: 

It's Sunday the first of January (Happy 2023) and, instead of the usual "Don't Make a Scene" feature we usually do on Sundays, we're taking advantage of the serendipity of today being the first day of the year your work.

Specifically, your work looking at my work. 

What WERE you looking at this year? Well, below is the ranking of the most visited posts in 2022. Some are from this year; some are from years past. Most statisticians could make some use of this data. But, I'm no statistician. I wouldn't know what to do with this information. In most cases, data like this would be used to improve the site or its popularity. And I'm not interested in either of those things. I do this as a hobby, not a profession. That, and I write about the things I think about after seeing a movie to clear those stray thoughts out of my head. I've had enough computers to know that they run better if they have optimal memory, and I have no intention of trying to replace my personal OS.

Some of the posts were from movies from this year. (Top Gun: Maverick was the most visited--naturally, as it was the most popular movie--even though it was a negative review). Some were from movies from years ago. Every once in a while, there will be a "run" of about 50 views of some random post from the past that I have no idea why there's a sudden interest in it. I've long since tried to figure out why people seek out what they do. Like William Goldman said about Hollywood, "Nobody knows anything."

Here are the most popular posts from 2022:

Likewise, here are the most popular posts since I started this iteration of the blog. Again, I have no idea why (although I suspect The Naked City is there because it has the word "Naked" in it). I have been mystified for years why The Post is the most looked, but I'm sure that it has nothing to do with the quality of the writing. The others don't strike me as being particularly noteworthy.

Like I said, it's pretty random. But, to facilitate specific searching, I'm embarking on publishing an Index of the posts. It will take awhile, but I'll let you know when it's in a state where it's semi-complete (if that's of any interest) and there will be a permanent link on the web-site proper that it can be reached at any time.

Well, that's it for 2022. Time to start working on some things for 2023. We'll see how many of the things I have in "Draft" stage are posted by this time next year.


  1. Keep on truckin', my friend! And Happy New Year!

  2. "It's not the's the mileage." And Happy New Year to you, as well.
