But follow the eyes (it's the reason there are so many screen-shots for a relatively quick scene). The looks that pass from Stahr to the writers and between them, do more communication than Monroe's three-corner dialog. And when he sits down, smugly satisfied with his performance, he lowers his head, waiting for the response he knows will come.
It's a bit specious, but it's a fine story illustrating how to use an audience's attention to lead them through a scene set-up. And Kazan's camera follows Stahr as he bounds around the room, playing all the parts, making sure that we see the audience reaction (Pleasance's) to each complication Stahr adds to the story.
And, of course, Stahr gets to keep the illusive nickel.
It's a nice demonstration of the sleight of hand that goes into "making pictures" (as John Ford called it) where, if you do it right, you make the audience complicit in the telling of the story, something all movies should aspire to. It's an inexact fuzzy explanation of the inexact fuzzy experience of giving just enough information to propel story (and observer) along the ride.
The Story: What a day it's been for Monroe Stahr (Robert De Niro), Production Head for the All-American Film Corporation: an earthquake, a pretty obvious attempted pass by his boss' daughter, insecure stars, scape-goated directors, oh...and then there's that girl who's a spittin' image for his late wife that's attracted his eye. The least of his worries is a novelist (Donald Pleasance) making an uneasy transition to screenwriter, who has been summoned to Stahr's office for a little attitude adjustment.
This is you, watching.
(Boxley walks into Monroe Stahr's office a bit diffidently, eyeing the other two writers in the room seated in front of Stahr. Stahr welcomes him and offers him a seat between the other writers)


STAHR: Mm-hmm.
BOXLEY: I don't think you people read things.

BOXLEY: Rarely.
STAHR: Because people are always dueling and falling down wells?

STAHR: Listen... has your office got a stove in it that lights with a match?

STAHR: Suppose you're in your office. You've been fighting duels all day.

(Stahr crosses the room to the door, goes through it, then comes back in, looking furtively in both directions.)

STAHR: She takes off her gloves. She opens her purse. She dumps it out on the table.

(Stahr crosses back to the work-table)
STAHR: This is you.

STAHR: Now... She has two dimes, a matchbox and a nickel. She leaves the nickel on the table. She puts the two dimes back into her purse.

(Stahr crosses back to the work-table)

(Boxley listens attentively, then catches himself. He's actually enjoying this.)

STAHR: ...watching every move the girl makes.

(Stahr looks at Boxley, letting the moment hang. Then he slides into his chair looking like the cat that ate the canary. He looks again at Boxley and waits. Then he looks over at the other writer and smiles)
BOXLEY: What happens?
STAHR: I don't know. I was just making pictures.
BOXLEY: What was the nickel for?
STAHR: Jane, what was the nickel for?
JANE: The nickel was for the movies.
BOXLEY: What do you pay me for? I don't understand the damn stuff.
STAHR: Yes, you do...
STAHR: ...or you wouldn't have asked about the nickel.
(Stahr feigns throwing Boxley the nickel, who grabs at it, then sees he's bought the illusion)
(And Stahr holds up the nickel)
The Last Tycoon
Words by: F. Scott Fitzgerald and Harold Pinter
Pictures by: Victor J. Kemper and Elia Kazan
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