Sunday, January 29, 2017

Don't Make a Scene: Lincoln

The Story:  "Times like this, I'm best alone" he says on the fade from the White House corridor to the hat.

I know the feeling.

The Set-Up: Abraham Lincoln (Daniel Day-Lewis) is this close to passing the Thirteenth Amendment abolishing slavery in the House of Representatives. But petty squabbling in the House and his own Cabinet is keeping that from being accomplished. Most House Republicans, especially the fiery abolitionists led by Thaddeus Stevens (Tommy Lee Jones) will water down their positions in order for it to pass, but the Democratic minority will not budge, especially if it can bring a speedy end to the Civil War by negotiating a settlement, and abolishing slavery would make that negotiation dead before starting.  A secret negotiating team is heading for Washington now, and Lincoln does not want that knowledge watering down the urgency for abolition. Before dawn, he goes to the war-room telegraph office —where his secretaries Homer Bates (Drew Sease) and Sam Beckwith (Adam Driver)to send an urgent message to his Union commander, Ulysses S. Grant. He has one more tactic that he can he ever does...from his hat.


Lincoln is seated at Eckert's desk, shawl wrapped around his shoulders, glasses on; he stares down into his hat, held between his knees. Homer Bates and Sam Beckwith are waiting for him. Lincoln draws a handwritten note from his hat and carefully unfolds it. 
LINCOLN "Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant, City Point. I have read your words with interest."
Sam Beckwith transcribes Lincoln's words into code on a pad with a pencil. 
LINCOLN (CONT'D) "I ask that, regardless of any action I take in the matter of the visit of the Richmond commissioners, you maintain among your troops military preparedness for battle, as you have done until now."
He stops for a moment. Beckwith waits, pencil poised. Lincoln looks at the note, folds it, tucks it in a band inside his hat. 75.
LINCOLN (CONT'D) "Have Captain Saunders convey the commissioners to me here in Washington." 
LINCOLN "A. Lincoln."
LINCOLN And the date.
Lincoln places the hat on the floor.
SAMUEL BECKWITH (CONT'D) Shall I transmit, sir?
LINCOLN (a beat, then:) You think we choose to be born?
SAMUEL BECKWITH I don't suppose so. 
LINCOLN Are we fitted to the times we're...
LINCOLN ...born into? 
SAMUEL BECKWITH I don't know about myself.
SAMUEL BECKWITH You may be, sir. Fitted.
LINCOLN (TO HOMER:) What do you reckon?
HOMER BATES I'm an engineer.
HOMER BATES I reckon there's...
HOMER BATES ... machinery but no one's done the fitting.
LINCOLN You're an engineer, you must know Euclid's axioms and common notions.
HOMER BATES I must've in school, but... 
LINCOLN I never had much of schooling, but I read Euclid, in an old book I borrowed.
LINCOLN Little enough ever found its way in here - (touching his cranium) - but once learnt it stayed learnt.
LINCOLN Euclid's first common notion is this: "Things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each other."
Homer doesn't get it; neither does Sam.
LINCOLN (CONT'D) That's a rule of mathematical reasoning. It's true because it works; has done and always will do.
LINCOLN In his book, Euclid says this is "self-evident."
LINCOLN  D'you see? There it is, even in that two-thousand year old book of mechanical law:...
LINCOLN is a self-evident truth that things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each other.
LINCOLN  We begin with equality. That's the origin, isn't it? That balance, that's fairness,
LINCOLN  ...that's justice.
He looks at his scribbled note, then at Sam and Homer.
LINCOLN (CONT'D) Read me the last sentence of my telegram.
SAMUEL BECKWITH "Have Captain Saunders convey the commissioners to me here in Washington."
LINCOLN A slight emendation, Sam, if you would.
Beckwith writes as Lincoln dictates.
LINCOLN (CONT'D) "Have Captain Saunders convey the gentlemen aboard the River Queen..."
LINCOLN "... as far as Hampton Roads, Virginia,"
LINCOLN "...and there wait until..."
LINCOLN "...further advice from me."
LINCOLN "Do not proceed to Washington."

Words by Tony Kushner

Pictures by Janusz Kaminski and Steven Spielberg

Lincoln is available on DVD and Blue Ray from Touchstone Home Video. 

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