Like all of Lucas' films, American Graffiti is a quest movie, with the seeking hero running through it looking for two things: a blonde in a white T-bird, and the answer to whether he should leave town and go off to college. To the first end, he seeks guidance from the community's Muse: Wolfman Jack, subject of speculation, myth, and admiration. Nobody knows Wolfman Jack and nobody's seen Wolfman Jack, but everybody thinks they know him. He is the ethereal voice coming out of their car-radio's, playing the soundtrack of their lives. Wolfman Jack is Joseph Campbell's trickster guide by the side of the road of troubles. He pretends to be someone he isn't* and ends up giving the Ultimate Boon to the hero. He is Curt's Wizard, Muse, Teacher, and Master.
This was George Lucas employing Joseph Campbell's "Myth" breakdown before reading Joseph Campbell. Although he would become more literal about it with his "Star Wars" films (and that's all he's directed since), its all apparent in American Graffiti as well, better disguised and ultimately more satisfying, more relatable.
For a teenager in love with radio and sound, this scene was magical. Instead of inspiring me to see the world (which is more satisfying), it led me to a career in radio and audio production, where I could hide in plain hearing for my early adult life. The romance of being "the voice on the radio" and Lucas' inherent understanding of its place in the lives of kids (back then) and of the "Man Behind the Curtain" mystery of it was so enticing, I missed the pathos inherent in the scene and the lesson that was intended.
It was a boon to Robert W. Smith, too. Given a percentage point in gratitude for his help in getting the film made, the incredible profit margin of American Graffiti—made on the cheap and reaping huge box-office returns—made him comfortable for life. But he kept working, his reputation growing, thanks to his efforts in building on the mystique of this movie. And the rest of the story, well, I'll let Wikipedia tell it:
"Wolfman Jack died of a heart attack in Belvidere, North Carolina, on July 1, 1995. The day before his death, he had finished broadcasting his last live radio program, a weekly program nationally syndicated from Planet Hollywood in downtown Washington, D.C. Wolfman Jack said that night, "I can't wait to get home and give Lou a hug, I haven't missed her this much in years." Wolfman had been on the road, promoting his new autobiography Have Mercy!. When he got home, he entered his house, hugged his wife, said "Oh, it is so good to be home!" and died in his wife's arms."
The Set-Up: It is a dark time in Modesto, California. Night, in fact. Curt (Richard Dreyfuss) is trying to make up his mind whether he's going to go off to college...really go off to college...or just stay home and go to community for a couple years. One influence is a mysterious blonde in a T-bird (Suzanne Somers) who tempts Curt all night, just out of reach. To get in contact with her, he seeks the one who knows all, Wolfman Jack, to relay a message to her, but all he finds is a technician at the radio station.
Note: The written script differs a bit from the film's continuity as seen. Script parts ommitted are in red. Dialogue ad-libbed on-set are in yellow.

Curt starts up the gravel walk to the door. Under the glare** of a naked spotlight, he sees a small intercom which plays soft Rock and Roll. He hesitates, then pushes a buzzer. He pushes it again and finally a voice comes over the intercom.
VOICE (V.O.): Yeah, who is it?
CURT: It's--I want to talk to the Wolfman.
VOICE: The Wolfman ain't here.
CURT: I know, but I got to get in touch with him. I got something to give him before--
VOICE: We don't take no deliveries after eight. Come back tomorrow.
CURT: No, I can't. I want to ask him something that--
VOICE: Dedications by phone is Diamond 75044. Wolfman Top 40 is Box 13, Chula Vista. Wolfman Sweatshirts is Wolf Enterprises, Bakersfield. 'Bye.
CURT: Listen, I got a right to talk to him. I listened to him every night for as long--for twelve years almost. I know him and it's personal and it'll only take a minute and I bet Wolfman would be upset if he knew a friend couldn't get in touch with--


Through the window, Curt can be seen but no sound is heard.

CURT: Thank you.
MANAGER: This way.

The manager sits down and leans back, turning a fan to blow on his large chest. He's a large, friendly looking man; he wears a Hawaiian shirt. He sucks on a popsicle. Curt stands awkwardly.

CURT: No. Thanks. Listen, ah...
MANAGER: Have a popsicle.
CURT: Are you the Wolfman?

The manager leans forward and picks up a spool of tape. He holds it up as a magician would for audience inspection, then puts it on a machine. A record is about to end. As it does the manager punches some buttons and the record segues into a Wolfman howl and then the distinctive Wolfman voice takes over. The manager adjusts the monitor volume down and sucks his popsicle.

DIANE (V.O.): Diane.
WOLFMAN: How're you doin', Diane?
DIANE: All right.

MANAGER: That's the Wolfman.

WOLFMAN (V.O.): Do you love me? Say you love me, Diane.
CURT: Well, ah--where does he work? I mean, where is the Wolfman now?

CURT: But I got to give him this note. Shit!
MANAGER: (taking it from Curt) Here, let me see the note. (he reads it) Hell, that's just a dedication. All I gotta do is relay it. And it'll be on the air tomorrow, or Tuesday at the latest.

CURT: Well, I'm supposed to go to college back East tomorrow. And I don't know if I'm gonna go.

CURT: No, thank you.
MANAGER: Sit down a minute.

MANAGER: Listen, it's early in the morning.
CURT: Damn!


Curt looks at him a moment.

He turns back.

MANAGER: Just a minute. (whistles) Hey, it's been a pleasure.
CURT: Thanks a lot.
MANAGER: really.
CURT: I appreciate it.

CURT: They really..six or seven of them, right?
MANAGER: I know, I got a whole refrigerator full.

MANAGER: See you later.
CURT: Appreciate it.
Curt goes out the door. He starts back out through the maze of windows and electronic machines. Echoing throughout the rooms, the Wolfman's raucous voice follows Curt. The Wolfman howls and Curt turns.

Wolfman: Gimme some more, my my!
He backs away, leaving the Wolfman, who's on his feet now, screaming out the end of the song, dancing by himself in the little glass room, from which his voice radiates out through the night and around the world...

American Graffiti
Words by George Lucas and Willard Huyck and Gloria Katz
Pictures by Haskell Wexler, Jan D'Alquen, Ron Eveslage and George Lucas
American Graffiti is available on DVD from Universal Home Video.
* As would Obi-Wan Kenobi before Alec Guiness asked that the elderly Jedi Knight's character stay consistent, and as does the initially enigmatic Yoda.
** This entire section of the script was not used—it appears it might not have been filmed—as Curt breaks into the station by jimmying the lock with his pocket-knife.
*** "Heart and Soul," actually. When Curt pulls up and enters the station, the song is "Crying in the Chapel." And when Wolfman talks to him about the world, the music is "Daddy's Home." Of course, the music is a very important sub-text in "American Graffiti."
**** Luke Skywalker: "If there's a bright center of the Universe, this is the planet that it's farthest from." Sound familiar?
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