Inside and outside are two different worlds in the film version of To Kill a Mockingbird. Inside is familial and warm. Outside, people are eccentric, and nature seems threatening. In this child's eye view of the world the trees rustle with unseen danger, their moving shadows crossing over the children like threatening wraiths. Everything seems strange and scary, what with nasty neighbors (including the mythically haunted Radley household), mad dogs appearing on the street, and economic and racial tensions in the town transforming the town-folk.
Inside, Atticus Finch is settling his children down for the night, spending quality time with them, one suspects, in a ritualistic way: the reading exercises, the presentation of familiar heirlooms, the taking of stock, and between the children the final sharing of history that mumbles down to sleep. We're in the child's world, looking in as they suspect "Boo" Radley does, moving outside to the father on the porch-swing hearing their talking of their late mother, and left alone with his own memories—the adult providing the warmth inside and the protection from the outside. One sees the toll taken. For that moment, Atticus Finch is not a paragon of virtue, but a mere human being doing the best that he can (although he might not know his son's age today), as he sits listening to his children talk themselves to sleep, an empty arm draped over the swing's back.
The Set-Up: "Maycomb was a tired, old town, even in 1932 when I first knew it." It's the end of a day towards the end of Summer, typical in some ways, but not typical in others. Jem and Jean Louise—"Scout"—Finch (Phillip Alford,Mary Badham) have found a new playmate in Charles Baker—"Folks call me 'Dill'"—Harris (John Megna), and the kids have scoped out the scary Radley place down the road, and agitated the elderly Miss Dubose. Now, after a fine meal prepared by Calpurnia (Estelle Evans) (probably with hickory nuts from Mr. Cunningham provided for legal services rendered), the kids settle down for the night, which includes some reading time with lawyer-father Atticus (Gregory Peck). None of them knows that tonight will start a series of events that will change their lives forever.

Scout: What time is it?
Atticus: 8:30.

Atticus: That's right.

Jem: Good night.

Jem: Yes?

Jem: Two.
Scout: How old were you?
Jem: Six.
Scout: Old as I am now?
Jem: Mm-hmm.

Jem: Mm-hmm.

Jem: Mm-hmm.

Jem: Yes.
Scout: Did I love her?
Jem: Mm-hmm.
Scout: Do you miss her?

To Kill a Mockingbird
Words by Harper Lee and Horton Foote
Pictures by Russell Harlan and Robert Mulligan
To Kill a Mockingbird is available on DVD from Universal Home Video.

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