Then there's the Bond you're talking about; are you a fancier of Ian Fleming's "book" character or of the one portrayed in the movies? They differ. The book Bond is a bit of a stick-in-the-mud professional with a penchant for fast and easy living, owing to his inevitable expiration date. The movie Bond knows-all, tells-all, is a gourmand, a sartorial snob, and quips...a lot. He has no expiration date. The book Bond had a fussy housekeeper. The movie Bond is the fussy house-keeper. The book Bond not only smoked and heavily imbibed, but was known to have a benzedrine habit before going out "in the field." The movie Bond has dropped all but the watery vodka martini's.

Do you see Bond as the cruel-mouthed, scarred resembler of Hoagy Carmichael (right), or is your Bond so male-model-fresh that you can't imagine ever having his perfect nose broken in a scrap?
The Broccoli kids at Eon Productions, Bond's film maker, have maintained their father's code that it's not the actor that audiences come to see, it's Bond (this was useful in salary negotiations). And one need only look at the track record of each actor's non-Bond films to bear that out. But in their time in the gun-harness, they had the world's attention, whether they wanted it or not.
Everyone has their favorite Bond, if they have one. I thought I'd do my own personal ranking of the actors and their interpretations of the characters,* as factored in today (tomorrow may be different). Every time such a list, and my reasons, have appeared in various places, they've generated controversy.
This one will be no different.
From least to best:

Daniel Craig: No, he doesn't look like Hoagy Carmichael...well, he does through the nose, but the face and hair are not Fleming's description. But, damn. Craig kind of nails it, right down to the dichotomy of Bond acting differently in front of his boss and then loosening up "in the field." Craig's "soccer-tough" of a Bond makes you believe in the foot-chases, the fast-thinking short-cuts, and the pit-bull-on-two-legs tenacity that has always made those extended chases probable. And, he's dangerous. He's the only Bond who kills the way the book Bond does, by strangling a man with his bare hands, gadgets be damned (one can imagine Craig in a "Q" scene, the way they used to be played, with an air of "What is this crap?"**). His Bond is impetuous, diffident, an asshole at times, feeling his way through an investigation without trying to feel too much, drinking heavily (and actually suffering the effects), and keeping the sexual conquests to a manageable level. The squabbling banter between Bond and Vesper Lynd (Eva Green) in Casino Royale was some of the best dialogue ever written for Bond, and certainly for the "Bond-girl," and reflected the book-Bond's annoyance with women "getting in the way" of the assignment. Craig's version is full of surprises, sometimes unpleasantly, and is the best thing in his movies, whether the script is good (Casino Royale) or bad (Quantum of Solace). That's why I think he's the best Bond...today.
Who's your Bond? Take your shot.
2022 Update:
James Bond is dead. Long live James Bond.
With the release of No Time to Die (one year ago on Saturday, but today is "James Bond Day" although it's not on my calendar), one can safely reveal that at the end of it, James Bond died in a hail of rocket-fire for a good cause. It threw a bunch of people off plumb—what does this mean? Is it the last Bond movie? What are they going to do?
They're going to start fresh is what "they" are going to do ("they" being Barbara Broccoli and Michael Wilson, inheritors of the Bond franchise from their father Albert R. Broccoli). They've been doing it every time a Bond actor has quit or been fired or hasn't met financial agreement. Daniel Craig announcing that he would do "one last" Bond allowed them to do something no other actor had done—go out with a bang, a big finish. Bond author Ian Fleming had done something similar when he was doing the novels—having him dispatched, leaving the reader hanging as to what the agent's fate was at the end of the book.
Now, when they'd signed Craig they had an extraordinary opportunity—after decades of litigation, Broccoli and Wilson had finally acquired the filming rights to the first Bond novel "Casino Royale" and they could do something that Wilson had been trying to convince his dad to do since Roger Moore left the series—start Bond from scratch as a new "00" and follow his career through to the end.
Mission accomplished. Now, what? Well, they could start re-making all the films, or just make the ones that were less than stellar, do original stories with an eye on the headlines (like they're doing), or something else...a period piece with Bond during the Cold War, for instance. They can basically do anything, which is the best position to be in....and usually when the film-series has come off the best.
So, who should play Bond? I have no idea. I've had ideas...But, I know that the Bond producers will be looking for someone they can do a series of Bond films with—the Broccoli team has traditionally liked multi-film contracts. So it's going to need to be somebody who can play James Bond for a run of at least 4 films, and, given the shooting pace these days—with no Fleming titles left to adapt (and only scraps of them left unexplored) and something approaching originality in a Bond-like action movie-saturated market taking time—that actor should be, ideally, 28-35 years old...tops. Look at the past. Connery was 31 when he started. Lazenby, 29. Dalton, 40. Moore, a boyish-looking 46, Brosnan was 42, and Craig, 38. So...that's limiting. You need to find an "established" actor who can be fascinating and seasoned enough to "carry" a film and still be that young. I'd always wanted to see Jason Isaacs play Bond. Too old, certainly now. Clive Owen—was possible but he couldn't carry a film. And now...too old. I was worried about Dalton and Brosnan when they were cast (they were "pretty" boys), and with Craig I took a "wait and see" attitude (as so many didn't) and he proved everybody wrong.
So, let's look at some possibilities, many of which have been too well-chewed over in the "we-know-nothing-but we'll-publish-anyway" internet.
Idris Elba. (Born September 6, 1972) Talk was circulating about him while they were making SPECTRE (I love Craig's mock-glare in this photo). And Elba is a very strong actor, first attracting attention with "The Wire" and "Luther." Given strong material, he is tops, he held The Suicide Squad together in a way that Will Smith couldn't in Suicide Squad (without the "The") and George Miller's Three Thousand Years of Longing depended on his nuanced performance. But...with weak material...like The Dark Tower, Star Trek Beyond, the "Thor" series, and Hobbes & Shaw, he fades into the special effects. Plus. The man is 50. He'd be older than Moore was when he started (and Moore was older when he started than Connery was when he quit!). Recently, Elba said he was out of the running, but it has more to do with age...and that he has a very good choice of roles with his popularity...and the fact that the man doesn't NEED Bond.
Tom Hardy (Born September 15, 1977) Well, Number one question—what would director Christopher Nolan do if Hardy wasn't available for one of his movies? (Answer: Hire Cillian Murphy, probably) Hardy is like Elba. The man does not need Bond. He's certainly shown that he can carry a film...and a franchise. And his independent work is always reliably strong. So strong that Bond might just bore him. Recently, he's said that he wasn't too interested and was concentrating on his kids, anyway. Plus, the man is 45. If he goes the Craig-distance of 15 years, he'd be playing Bond as a pensioner. Plus, what is the make-up department going to do with all his tattoo's? CGI them out? Nope. Hardy isn't the man.
Henry Cavill (Born May 5, 1983) The clear fan favorite, but also an obvious, if specious, choice. If you believe the press, he would appear to be a front-runner, but... But. He had a chance to play someone very Bond-like in Man from U.N.C.L.E. (criminy, Ian Fleming even created the name "Napoleon Solo") and it wasn't impressive, both his acting and the box-office, which was disastrous (and one can't blame Armie Hammer for it). He did fine as Zack Snyder's Superman—but Snyder ham-strung him as a morose haunted super-hero. He was practically auditioning for Bond in U.N.C.L.E. and Mission:Impossible-Fallout, and, acquitted himself, but he was not what drew your eye to the screen or audiences to theaters. And...he's an "eyebrow-actor." There's a distinct charisma problem with Cavill, and just as fan-favorite Pierce Brosnan proved to be a bit dull as Bond, so, too, I think, would Cavill (judging by his history). He's 39, though.
Those are the ones everybody is talking about, but there are some dark horses that I've found interesting.
John Light (Born September 30, 1972) A staple for guest-spots on British TV, where he usually plays villains, Light's one recurring role is on the "Father Brown" series, where he turns up once a season as the international thief Hercule Flambeau—except Flambeau was a detective in Chesterton's stories, probably because Light has a less than heroic air to him. With a gruff whisper, Light has a Pierce Brosnan quality to his acting but with a darker edge to it and certainly gives off the air of someone you couldn't trust, plus he's done some nice work with accents on the "Brown" show, where the character has been in disguise. He's quite short—but, then, so was Craig. He'd be an interesting choice. However...he's 50, the same as Elba.
Aidan Turner (Born April 2, 1977) Known for his role in The Hobbitt series and currently starring as the new version of "Poldark," Turner hadn't occurred to me until I saw him play the character of Philip Lombard in a recent British TV adaptation of Agatha's Christie's "And Then There Were None." He held the camera's attention very well and looked great in a tuxedo, and gave off the sense that—even though I knew the story—that he'd be the murderer, after all. He looks darned good for 45, but that age-factor, I think, knocks him out of the running.
Richard Madden (Born June 18, 1986) A lot of people like Madden for Bond. He gets mentioned quite a bit these days, especially after appearing in The Eternals and his work on "Game of Thrones" and he had a nice cruel streak as John Reid in Rocketman. But, its his work on the "Bodyguard" series that makes him an interesting prospect. His character in that is a bit of a mechanic, and thus his portrayal "on-duty" is a bit mechanical and efficient and unreadable. All "pluses." On the "off-duty" side, he can look ferocious, but also betrays a vulnerability that works against the Bond characterization. Also, he has a "go-to" acting weakness (like the Roger Moore "eyebrow") and that is a dependence on his jaw muscles to clench to show conflict. Still, an interesting prospect.
Matthew Beard (Born March 25, 1989) Definitely an outlier as he's slight and a bit callow-looking, but his resemblance to both Hoagy Carmichael and Ian Fleming makes him an interesting choice...especially if EON decides to do a series set in the past. Plus, his work on the BBC series "Vienna Blood" showed a character of intelligence who kept his emotions in check, could underplay a laugh-line quite ingeniously while also doing some nice stunt work. Definitely an outside shot, but he'd be quite capable of taking the character in a different direction.
Thomas Doherty (Born April 21, 1995) Relatively new to acting, Doherty has been doing mostly series work since 2017. So, I went to his film The Invitation to see if he could pull off a movie and it's very eerie—the man looks like a CG recreation of Sean Connery circa 1963. And he seems to know it. He has the same animalistic glint in the eye, the wide mouth that splits his head with a cheeky smile, and he moves with weighty purpose. Maybe it's a bit too spot-on to have an Edinburgh boy who looks like he's Connery's love-child to play Bond, but Doherty has more than the looks, he has the confidence and swagger, and, judging by The Invitation, he can play a bastard quite well. Maybe he doesn't have the off-screen personality or rigor for it, but this is the guy I'd like to see play Bond.
** Which is (when "Ben Whishaw's 'Q' was introduced in Skyfall) how he played it.
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