Sunday, April 26, 2020

Don't Make a Scene: Ford v Ferrari

The Story: When I saw Ford v Ferrari last year, it intrigued me despite not being "into" auto-racing. It was just good story-telling on the part of the writers and director James Mangold.

And one of the testaments to that is this scene: Carol Shelby being called on the carpet for not delivering a winning race despite the interference that prevented it.

I've seen on-line debates about this and how it might be unfair to Leo Beebe, the executive at Ford who comes across as the chief "problem" for success in the film. His actions were his actions and Beebe's concerns were corporate "Big Picture" matters of protecting the brand rather than having racing "cowboys" save the company's reputation.

But, I loved this scene and how all the parties made it riveting and surprising, despite it being a "corporate boardroom" scene. One wishes that I could find the particular scene on video to illustrate Damon's "Tommy Lee Jones"-like Texas laconic drawl that makes the "Yer welcome" such a big laugh-line, but it has disappeared.

This will have to suffice.

The Set-Up: In an effort to "gear up" the stodgy image of the Ford Motor Company and its product, marketing chief Lee Iacocca (Jon Bernthal) has convinced Henry Ford II (Tracy Letts) to promote its "sport" line with a focus on its auto-racing image. To do so, he's hired legendary driver Carol Shelby (Matt Damon) to win the 24 hour race at LeMans. To do so, Shelby and his team have hired legendary engineer and driver, Ken Miles (Christian Bale) to oversee and pilot the Ford entry. But, Miles is eccentric, uncompromising and has run afoul of Ford middle-man Leo Beebe (Josh Lucas), who vetoed the idea of Miles being behind the wheel of the first race of Ford against the dominant Ferrari team, the resultant being an embarrassing finish. And somebody is going to be held responsible.


Final Shooting Draft 04.24.19 

Sport Illustrated on his desk: "Murder Italian Style - Ford humiliated by Ferrari". To the side, ever-present Leo Beebe. In front, Iacocca. Ford drops a newspaper. "Ford Destroyed." "Ford Hammered At Le Mans". "Ford. Humiliation at Le Mans." 
IACOCCA We made mistakes. (He stops) Mr Ford. There's a difference between Ford and Ferrari. Between our methods. 
HENRY FORD II Apart from the fact he came in 1, 2, 3 and we failed to cross the finish? Apart from the fact we're the biggest firm in the world and I could lose his tin-pot operation down the back of my couch? 
Shelby sits, listening the Deuce’s voice through the door, as he flicks through a newspaper: "Ford Craps Out. Ferrari In Front." 
He takes out his pills, pops a couple, watching as-- 
A YOUNG EMPLOYEE pushes a mail cart. He hands a manila envelope to the Deuce’s second assistant, who opens it and walks the enclosed red folder to the Deuce’s Secretary. 

She looks at Shelby as he pops a couple more pills. 
BEEBE Are you insane? The guy's a snake-oil salesman. A Stetson. Yesterday man. A good driver who's washed up. 
IACOCCA Shelby is a winner. He knows how. 
BEEBE What you're saying, what I'm hearing, is that in light of this debacle, you're prepared to stake your reputation on this guy. 
Neither blinks. Ford watches. 
IACOCCA Yes I am. 
SECRETARY Yes sir. I'll send him right in. Thank you. 
Mr. Ford's secretary puts down the phone and walks toward Shelby. He watches her closely.
SECRETARY Mr. Ford will see you now.
SHELBY Alright.
LEO BEEBE ...this guy.
SECRETARY This way, Mr. Shelby. 
Before she leaves, the secretary puts the red folder on Ford’s desk, but not before Beebe peeks at it. 
Shelby watches her close the door. 
SHELBY Mr. Ford. 
SHELBY Gentlemen. 
HENRY FORD II Give me one reason... 
HENRY FORD II ...why I don't fire everyone associated with this abomination, starting with you. 
Iacocca shifts uncomfortably. Shelby holds Ford's gaze. 
SHELBY Well, Sir. I’ve been thinking of that very question as I sat out in your lovely waiting room. 
SHELBY And while I was sitting there, I watched that little red folder right there...
SHELBY ...go through five pairs of hands... 

SHELBY ...before it got to your mitts. And that’s not including...
SHELBY ...the twenty two Ford employees who must’ve poked at it...
SHELBY ...before it got to the 19th floor. With all due respect, sir, you can’t win a race by committee. 
SHELBY It’s like trying to run with a load in your pants. You need one man in charge. 
Iacocca looks at Shelby in total incredulity. 
SHELBY (cont’d) The good news is, you ask me, even with the extra weight in the trunk
SHELBY ...we still managed to put ol’ Ferrari right where we want him. 
FORD Did we. 
SHELBY Oh yes. 
FORD Expand. 
SHELBY Well... 
SHELBY Sure we haven't worked out how to corner. Or stay cool.
FORD Or stay on the ground. 
SHELBY And a lot of stuff broke. In fact the only thing that didn't break is the brakes. 
SHELBY Right now we don't even... 
SHELBY ...know if the paint lasts 24 hours.
SHELBY But (the fact is) our last lap clocked 218mph down the Mulsanne straight. Now in all his years of racing, Enzo ain't seen nothing move that fast. 
SHELBY And now, he knows without a doubt... 
SHELBY ...we're faster than him. 
SHELBY Even with the wrong driver. 
SHELBY And the... 
SHELBY ...committees. 
SHELBY That's what he's sitting in Modena thinking about, right now.
SHELBY He’s worried this year you might actually be smart enough to give me the control I need to win. 
(looks at them all)
SHELBY So yes. I'd say you got Ferrari exactly where you want him.
SHELBY You’re welcome. 
Iacocca’s jaw drops. Beebe stares, horrified at Shelby’s insolence.
Ford eyeballs Shelby for a good seven seconds. 
He stands. 
FORD C'mere...

Looks out the window. A crease of a smile. 
FORD See that little building... 
FORD ...down there? 
FORD In WW2... 
FORD ...three out of five US bombers rolled off that line. 
FORD You think Roosevelt beat Hitler? 
FORD Think again. This isn't the first time...
FORD ...Ford Motor’s gone to war in Europe. 
FORD We know how to do more than push paper. 
FORD And-- (points to himself) --there is one man running this company.

FORD And you report to him. Understand me?
SHELBY Yes, sir.
FORD (He turns) Go ahead, Carol. 
FORD Go to war. 
SHELBY Thank you, sir.

Ford v Ferrari (aka LeMans '66)

Word by Jez Butterworth, John-Henry Butterworth and Jason Keller

Pictures by Phedon Papamichael and James Mangold

Ford v Ferrari is available on DVD and Blu-Ray from Fox Home Video.

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